Instructor Training-Syllabi and Tests-2013


The objective of training is to have a set of syllabi, approved by National, for producing Level I and Level II COPE Instructors and Climbing/Rapelling Instructors. According to the National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) standards, Councils who offer COPE must have a COPE Program Manager (PM) in place by 2013. The attached files are the basis for the COPE training being planned for NCAC. The purpose of the workbook (COPE_LessonScheduling-20130915.xlsx) is for instructors to map lessons to time slots during a weekend session at Camp WB Snyder. Before attending, students should review the pre-requisite material. Notice there are four courses: 1. COPE/Climbing Level I Foundations: The first course for all beginning instructors 1a. COPE Level I Instructor Lessons and exam: The second course for beginning COPE instructors 2. COPE/Climbing Level II Foundations: The first course for all advanced instructors (prerequisites include successfully passing Level I and demonstrated competence) 2a. COPE Level II Instructor Lessons and exam: The second course for advanced COPE instructors (must have completed Level II Foundations) As of 20130915, there is no one qualified to act as PM for Climbing/Rappelling. When NCAC has a Climbing PM, we hope to include the two additional courses, Level I and Level II Climbing Instructor. Please send comments and suggestions to the NCAC COPE PM; These syllabi are based on material presented at National Camp School, 2013, and graciously provided by Mr Howie Liebmann. The recommendations for prerequisites came from Mr Larry McKenna or from discussions with NCAC committee staff.