Submitted by Dr Waisanen on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 21:55
COPE / Climbing Committee Status
Report to NCAC Camping Committee, 2012-05-15
- COPE/Climbing Program on track for Fall 2012
- Goshen appears go to go for summer.
- Most elements ready to use
- Aligning Program to NCAC Strategic Plan
- Maintain facilities in optimum condition.
- Establish team to continually maintain COPE course
- All elements in use, high and low
- Facilities that exceed expectations and requirements
- Bring existing elements to optimal condition (Whale Watch, Mohawk Walk)
- Sunset elements that cannot be supported (e.g., Zip line)
- Relocate elements to achieve efficiency (long term)
- Continually monitor success models of other offerers, adopt components that apply
- Income generating programs
- Units want COPE/Climbing with competent and trained staff, organized activities, available facilities with challenging elements.
- Competition comes from Camp Highroad and George Mason (COPE), Del-Mar-Va (Climbing), supporting Scout units and non-Scouting
- Engage more volunteers
- Create "pipeline" for creating climbing and COPE instructors and volunteers
- Develop cadre of volunteers to provide touch-labor to COPE course
- Maintain pool of competent, enthusiastic, motivated instructors capable of providing climbing program and COPE to units
- Continue reach-back to Scouting alumni (reuse success and avoid stepping twice on the same land mine
- Develop quality programs
- Goal: Units Council-wide include COPE and Climbing programs in their annual plans; Council has capacity to meet the demand.
- Status
- June 2-8: 2 to NCS for COPE Director + 1 for recertification
- June 17/24: work days at CWBS
- August 24-26: COPE Instructor class
- COPE for units at CWBS offered throughout season ; Sep, Oct, Nov & Mar, Apr, May
- Support for Goshen summer camp programs appears sufficient
- CWBS staff are well positioned to manage scheduling
- Challenges
- COPE course needs continual touch labor. Goshen needs being defined.
- Budget for COPE program is not defined
- Climbing program not defined (working)
- Must formally charter/define COPE/Climbing committee
- Deconflict use of CWBS course with other programs (e.g, shooting sports)
- Need help with:
- Need input from units on expectations of COPE/Climbing program
- Need all Districts to have advocates for COPE / Climbing programs
- Sh/Could Fall/Spring COPE/Climbing program at Goshen be pursued?