Rotating iPhone movies



  • .MOV was taken with iPhone held vertically. When playing on PC, either the audience or the display must be rotated.
    • Windows Media Player has no ability to rotate the display.
    • The cross platform/portable app/open source app, VLC Media Player, can be configured to rotate output.
  • VirtualDub (portable app) can rotate, can read .MPG (MPG-1) and .AVI, but cannot read .MOV. Only video format supported on save is .AVI
  • VirtuaDub requires .AVI to be based on Windows For Video (WFV) codec. Does not require WFV when reading .MPG
  • Pazera (portable app) can convert .AVI and .MPG from .MOV but cannot rotate.
  • Pazera does not have WFV codec.
  • .MPG files have less resolution than .AVI


  • [Pazera] Convert .MOV to .MPG w/ PAL-VCD codec (Pazera does not have a WFV codec). [66Mb .AVI became 11Mb .MPG]
  • [VirtualDub] Open .MPG, mark selected portion, go to Video>Filters and add Rotate (90 degrees clockwise), save as .AVI [495Mb .AVI!?, playable by Windows Media Player]
  • [Pazera] Convert huge .AVI from VirtualDub to smaller .AVI using WMV version 1 codec [9Mb .AVI, WMP cannot show video when encoded with XviD 1.2 or MPEG4 codecs]

Next challenges:

  • Embedding a playable video clip in PowerPoint. The file created from above (attached to this page) will display the first frame, but display as a black rectangle when running.