Goal #1: Informational Products


Description:Develop informational products that explain the Venture program to chartering organizations and Troops. Institute products as part of unit resources.
Diversity aspect: products will include aspects of multiple faiths, all genders, and multiple ages.
The Team That Will Benefit From My Leadership:Troops, Chartering Organizations
SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely):Sets of slides that explain the Venture program to chartering (and potential chartering) organizations and Troops. Each set will be focused to the explain the values of the Venture program to the type of chartering organization, type of Troop (i.e., Boy Scout, Girl Scout). The sets will answer the question “What’s in Venturing for me?” at the organization level.
Who: Crew 1501, other Venture units, Old Dominion Venture leaders will be asked for input.
What:Presentations (e.g., PowerPoint) explaining the “What”, “How”, and “Why” of the Venture program focused on the goals and values of typical chartering organizations (e.g., churches, civic organizations), and BSA/GSA programs. Content will be collected from National, Council, and District leaders and Venture units.
Where:Sets of slides will be prepared with the intention of being capable of distribution from District or Council website.
When:Will begin collecting content upon approval of goal. Will target release of approved, initial sets at 2011 University of Scouting.
How:Will solicit District, Council, and National leaders for “lessons learned” on communicating the Venture program to their respective chartering organization. Will analyze input with help of District executives and Council Venture leaders. Will develop prototype presentations using common content display applications (e.g., PowerPoint, Adobe Reader). Will work with District and Council webmasters to host content on the respective web sites.
Why:At nearly all Scouting functions (e.g., Wood Badge), the majority of leaders and attendees do not understand the Venture program and its value to Scouting. Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops typically view the Venture program as a detractor to their programs, not as a potential valuable partner that can ensure the older youth stay involved in Scouting and can attract younger youth to join Cubs, Daisies, etc. Chartering organizations too frequently view Venturing as "Scouts with green shirts".
How Verified:Informal surveys before and after viewing the presentations show increased comprehension of the program. Viewers are able to state at least two values of Venturing to their respective program. The content of the presentations will emphasize the aspects of the Venturing program that are important to the intended audience. For example, the presentation to Scout leaders will include examples of how Crews have supported the Scouting program while accomplishing Venture goals.