Goal #4: Trip/Trek Plans


Description:Develop and implement a program that collects trip/trek plans from Crews and Ships, removes personal information, and provide it as a reference resource to NCAC units. The Team That Will Benefit From My Leadership: Venture Crews, Venture Ships, Troops SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely): Repository (set of documents) of past events with lessons learned and contact information, for Venture-age youth to use for planning. The scope of events will range from attending events arranged by others (e.g., Camporees) to BSA high adventure (e.g., Out Island, Philmont) to Crew/Ship planned treks (e.g., Bahama Sailing School). Who: Troops, Crews and Ships of Old Dominion District and NCAC will be asked for input. What: Electronic copies of trek plans with personal informational removed, published on the District or NCAC web sites. Where: Repository will be designed to be published on the ODD and NCAC websites in accordance with BSA Internet security guidelines. When: Beginning with approval and continuing until at least Jan 2011 How: Troops, Crews and Ships of Old Dominion District and NCAC will be asked for input. Crew 1501 (Old Dominion) and Crew 1150 (Colonial) have reports. The Scoutmasters of Troop 1501 have agreed to provide their reports. The NCAC Commissioner for High Adventure has agreed to help; he will liaison with other Venture units throughout Council and with the Council High Adventure committee. Why: Since there is no existing shared repository of trek plans, Crews and Ships typically are planning with a “blank sheet”, unable to learn from past mistakes or successes until they have personal experience. While some units publish their plans on their respective unit web sites, there is no consistent format nor consistent quality. A shared repository would be a significant help in the planning process. How Verified: When this goal is accomplished, a website will have an set of searchable documents (trip / trek and camporee plans). The site could be a link from the ODD District or the Colonial District website.