T1501 Summer Camp at Raven's Knob, NC


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adults in camp
10-02-05 9:01a 127.2KB

gateway group shot
10-02-05 9:01a 121KB

gateway small group
10-02-05 9:01a 130KB
Kyle and James
10-02-05 9:01a 111.6KB

Raven Knob Hike
10-02-05 9:01a 69.9KB

relaxing in camp
10-02-05 9:01a 135.7KB
Scott & Kyle at the Knob
10-02-05 9:01a 76.4KB

10-02-05 9:01a 123KB

View from the knob
10-02-05 9:01a 94.3KB
4 Twenty(!) Scouts and 8 adult leaders from Troop 1501 traveled to North Carolina in July 2005 to attend Summer Camp at Raven Knob Scout Reservation. Besides the delightful and refreshing 100 degree plus temperatures, highlights included hikes to the top of the "Knob" to enjoy a panoramic view of the entire reservation and building a troop campsite gateway out of bamboo which the boys had measured and cut ahead of time at home. [Webmaster's note: The T1501 Scouts of 1999-2002 may recall when our entire enrollment was about half this number. Thanks to you, the Troop has grown. Don't forget what you did:
  • Mutual respect...even when you didn't feel like it.
  • Everyone was welcome.
  • You shared your talents, knowledge, and skills.

Please send me an e-mail if you have a better idea for a caption.

The Troop 1501 Website is maintained by Tony Waisanen.