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1 |
 Unloading at the Old Bayliss Inn 12-04-04 10:42a 1062.2KB |
 George looks ready to go. 12-04-04 11:19a 791.6KB |
 Mrs Dixon showing Mr Hertsch the entrance to the limestone mine and cave. Where's the cave? Oh, THERE! Thanks. 12-04-04 12:09p 1417.5KB |
2 |
 Mr Hertsch briefing his expedition. 12-04-04 12:31p 1489.6KB |
 Mr Waisanen's expedition. 12-04-04 12:31p 1294.4KB |
 On the path to the entrance. 12-04-04 12:34p 1612.2KB |
3 |
 Mr Hertsch has found the entrance. 12-04-04 12:37p 1489.1KB |
 Final briefing before Mr Hertsch takes his group into the cave. 12-04-04 12:40p 772.6KB |
 Bird's nest just in side the entrance. No Collin, this is NOT a bat's nest. 12-04-04 12:49p 743.7KB |
4 |
 Derrick indicating a resting bat. 12-04-04 12:53p 694.2KB |
 Pair of bats. 12-04-04 1:06p 1343.1KB |
 Mr Moffatt indicating a cluster of bats. His look of disgust is for the flash, not the bats. 12-04-04 1:14p 909.9KB |
5 |
 Bryan and Derrick negotiating a narrow and steep descent. 12-04-04 1:19p 768.3KB |
 Having checked the map, we've made our decision and on we go. 12-04-04 1:22p 641.4KB |
 Bryan negotiating a crawl. 12-04-04 1:36p 858.3KB |
6 |
 At the poolside, Derrick indicating a small rock holding up a shelf. 12-04-04 1:59p 969.9KB |
 Time for a munch break. Notice the tarp to catch crumbs. 12-04-04 2:06p 882.4KB |
 The group decides to return. The way forward is a bit too small. 12-04-04 3:29p 868.3KB |
7 |
 The steep descent, now a steep ASCENT. 12-04-04 3:29p 947.6KB |
 The venture group, who'd been waiting outside, decide to return for more exploration. Bye guys. We'll give you an hour. 12-04-04 3:52p 836.5KB |
 David looks like he's found something. 12-04-04 4:01p 1185.2KB |
8 |
 Paul checks David's progress. 12-04-04 4:06p 760.2KB |
 Hard to believe it, but those are the bottoms of David's shoes. 12-04-04 4:07p 1207.5KB |
 And Paul seems incredulous. 12-04-04 4:07p 1141.5KB |
9 |
 There's a helmet. Someone coming out? 12-04-04 4:08p 1213.2KB |
 David, who's coming out now? 12-04-04 4:11p 1136.3KB |
 Leo climbing down past David's portal. 12-04-04 4:26p 1301.3KB |
10 |
 Paul's perch. 12-04-04 4:39p 1239.3KB |
 Venture group returns. 12-04-04 4:52p 720.2KB |
 Is Mr Giltz checking out another entrance or is he practicing bouldering? 12-04-04 4:54p 694.6KB |
11 |
 Looks like the Scouts have found Paul's passage and Mr Giltz has found a place to sit. 12-04-04 4:57p 991.1KB |
 Time to leave the cave. 12-04-04 5:03p 1305.2KB |
 Our host, Mr James Dixon, caver and owner of the Old Bayliss Inn. 12-04-04 8:04p 677.7KB |
12 |
 Philip, next to a demonstration of a one-pot meal/invention by Eagle Scout Cody, T1501's grubmaster of year's past. 12-04-04 8:16p 646.9KB |
 Speaking of Cody, here he is explaining how to cook food using a Nalgeen water bottle. 12-04-04 8:16p 752.8KB |
 Collin cooking up dinner. 12-04-04 8:42p 599.4KB |
13 |
 Scouts sill asleep from a hard day's effort and warming food. It's tough to get up when the fire is nice and toasty. 12-05-04 7:50a 701.2KB |
 Breakfast around the chuck box. Everyone is making their own dish of oatmeal, flavored to their personal preferenc. 12-05-04 9:21a 1274.6KB |
 Our Scoutmaster, Mr Waisanen. 12-05-04 9:21a 843.4KB |
14 |
 Chris, looking a bit tired. 12-05-04 9:22a 746KB |
 Bryan, too. 12-05-04 9:23a 830.5KB |
 But Raul seems to be enjoying breakfast...or is this hot chocolate? 12-05-04 9:23a 820.2KB |
15 |
 In the Inn, the Scouts are chowing down. What's this? Someone seems to have forgotten this outing was to be a NO DISPOSABLES outing!!! 12-05-04 9:24a 837.4KB |
 Our service project, make a fire ring and collect firewood. 12-05-04 10:40a 1605.4KB |
 Philip, George, and Raul making a pile of kindling. 12-05-04 10:52a 1580KB |
16 |
 Kyle and Bryan bringing a VERY heavy rock up to the ring. 12-05-04 10:52a 1433.3KB |
 James proceeds to make a downed tree into firewood. 12-05-04 11:14a 1648.7KB |
 Doing a pretty good job, almost done. 12-05-04 11:14a 1632.4KB |
17 |
 Time to load, almost time to go. 12-05-04 12:20p 1228.6KB |
 Troop 1501, first visitors to (new) Old Bayliss Inn, 5-Dec-2004. 12-05-04 9:29p 1086.5KB |
Permission form |
We had an excellent outing the weekend of 4/5 December thanks to the hospitality of Mr and Mrs James Dixon. They loaned us the use and grounds of the Old Bayliss Inn and provided us maps and directions to an abonded limestone mine and to Dyer's Cave. Saturday night, Mr Dixon came for a visit and while the Scouts worked on the Cooking Merit Badge, he talked to the adults about other caving opportunities in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Such very nice people. We hope they have years of success with the Bayliss Inn. An excellent location for a future Bed and Breakfast with excellent access to several opportunities for adventures. |