Troop 1501 Works on Derek's Eagle Project


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Second day begins with a lesson in how to use a circular saw.
11-01-03 8:13a 777.3KB

Cody and Derek assembling second truss. Mr Richardson working on a brace.
11-01-03 10:00a 964.4KB

Almost visible in the right foreground, a completed truss, template for others.
11-01-03 11:52p 1404.5KB
Richardson and Son, attaching vertical brace.
11-01-03 10:02a 959.1KB

At the cemetery, unloading the trusses and tools from the pickup.
11-01-03 12:31p 1209.8KB

Colin, Mr DeMarr, and Cody surveying the layout.
11-01-03 12:31p 1364KB
Derek, Matt, and David moving bricks. Mr Richardson checking the plans.
11-01-03 12:42p 1363.1KB

Brian marking top of post to ensure roof is level.
11-01-03 11:53p 1573.1KB

Checking building sequence.
11-01-03 12:59p 1302.9KB
“What are we doing now?”
11-01-03 12:59p 1361.8KB

Brian, Mr Richardson, and Mr DeMarr checking the string/spirit level.
11-01-03 1:04p 1284.8KB

Brian and Cody making one last check.
11-01-03 1:08p 1233.2KB
Stone dust arrives. David and Matt moving bricks.
11-01-03 1:13p 1161.9KB

Mr DeMarr showing David how to attach the brackets for the support beams.
11-01-03 11:53p 2054.3KB

David pounding in nails for support beam.
11-01-03 11:54p 2083.1KB
Matt and David attaching brackets for support beam.
11-01-03 1:20p 1407.6KB

David and Matt waiting for Brian and Cody to finish attaching their brackets.
11-01-03 1:41p 1192.7KB

Trusses are attached. Derek checking progress.
11-01-03 2:39p 996KB
Mr DeMarr doing some “higher math” on a “carpenter's chalkboard.”
11-01-03 11:54p 1968.9KB

Brian testing the rigidity of the trusses.
11-01-03 2:42p 778.7KB

Matt and Cody excavating a trench.
11-01-03 2:44p 1255.2KB
Cody and Matt excavating, Brian working on the roof.
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Mr DeMarr and Brian taking a break.
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Cody and Derek taking a break.
11-01-03 2:48p 1291.4KB
Mr DeMarr and Mr Waisanen discussing roofing.
11-01-03 2:50p 1336.1KB

Brian and Mr Waisanen attaching a roof part.
11-01-03 3:48p 1059.5KB

“What do you mean, 'WE made a mistake?'”
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Cody taking a break. Lots of ties moved.
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Mr Richardson helping Derek with excavating the ties.
11-01-03 3:51p 1202.4KB

Cody excavating the back trench.
11-01-03 4:07p 1280.2KB
Brian bringin up one more piece of roof.
11-01-03 4:08p 997.2KB

Roof is done, Derek taking a break.
11-01-03 4:08p 1294.2KB

If you'd like a particular picture, please send an e-mail to the Webmaster or come to a meeting and ask him.

This site, the Waisanen's site, and his church's site are maintained by Tony Waisanen.