Scouterhorn at Arlington Archdiocese Campout


The Archdiocese of Arlington hosted a family campout the weekend of 7 May. The Scouterhorn was used at that campout. Thanks to dedicated volunteers, we had no incidents, though in the future, we need to bring the Scouterhorn down when weather conditions could lead to hypothermia or hyperthermia. Though there was no thunder (lightning) or high winds, very few participants were prepared for the weather. Better not to have a "attractive nuisance" than enable people to get cold and wet. What would you do if in this situation? Please send email to Tony Waisanen at with your opinion.

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Nice banner at entrance to Camp Snyder
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 5.03MB

Set up and ready for customers!
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.53MB

The team; Chris, Ranjith, and Tony. Notice how we’re ready for cold and wet. I was disappointed Chris could not stay past 11:00 am, but at least Ranjith stayed. Thanks, Ranjith!
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 1.17MB
First customer of the day.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 4.56MB

First and second customer.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 4.13MB

Ranjith hooking up climber. Notice the rain gear.
05/07/2022 03:51 PM 8.13MB
This young lady was tenacious! Check this series of photos.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.83MB

05/07/2022 03:10 PM 5.78MB

05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.06MB
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.93MB

05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.77MB

05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.94MB
This young fellow was almost as insistent on reaching the top!
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 5.11MB

He kept trying.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 6.69MB

Competition? A five-route tower.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 4.88MB
Made it ALL the way to the top (and then some). Specks in the picture are water drops on the lens of my iPhone.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.99MB

The video of the return. Notice how jumping and spinning can result in getting hung up. The Scouterhorn does NOT want to say Good bye!
05/07/2022 03:51 PM 72.07MB

Video of ALMOST making it!
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 17.19MB
Video of descent.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.5MB

Still photo of descent.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.02MB

Trying another route.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.79MB
Getting close!
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.24MB

Almost there, but left hand is too low to be helpful. Need to practice keeping hands above the head.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.84MB

Video of descent, but started late so didn't hear the buzzer.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 9.88MB
At the other climbing tower. Commercial operators have more latitude in how to comply with safety; no helmets.
05/07/2022 04:07 PM 2.87MB

Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 04:07 PM 3.45MB

Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 04:07 PM 3.32MB
Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 04:09 PM 3.09MB

Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.89MB

Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.89MB
Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.24MB

Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 3.62MB

Another photo of the other tower and its operation.
05/07/2022 03:10 PM 2.89MB
Different harness. The only label referenced the distributor, not manufacturer
05/07/2022 03:45 PM 3.03MB

Click on any thumbnail to open the full-sized picture.

Please send an e-mail to the webmaster if you have a better idea for a caption.
The MAGI, Inc. website is maintained by the VP of Operations, Tony Waisanen;